
Dallas, TX United States
Founded: 2009

Inactive Junior
Open Class
2010 210 82.900 Stargazing - In Caelum Fero * Allegro Vivace from Dance Suite * Overture to a New World (from Dancer in the Dark) * 1000 Airplanes on the Roof * Selections from The Planets * Main Titles from SIGNS * Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star  
2011 36 56.600 DreamZzz - Brahms' Lullaby * Original Music * Sleep * Burly Brawl (from the Matrix) * Chorale VI - Sol Fa (from Adiemus)  
2012 Crossroads - Dead and Gone * Symphony No.4 - Heroes  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

Members (4)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Bocock, Michaela Colorguard 2010 to 2011
Green, Chris Brass Arranger & Corps Director 2010
Green, Chris Corps Director 2011
Lizana, Clayton Percussion 2009 to 2010

CORPS 1 items


Forte,GrandPrairie,TX,Pin1(RE-1.75)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection