Troy, NY United States
Year | Position | Score | Theme/Songs |
No information available |
CORPS Photos
Highest Score 0.000
Final show in DCX Archives July 10, 1971 Torrington CT
Highest Score 53.300
Final show in DCX Archives August 3, 1973 World Open - Class A Prelims Lynn MA placed 13 with a score of 53.300
Highest Score 50.800
Final show in DCX Archives August 31, 1974 Northeast Circuit Championship Milford CT placed 11 with a score of 48.900
Member Name | Section | Years Involved |
DelRa, Frank | drum line | 1970 to 1971 |
Girard, Dennis | Brass | 1964 to 1972 |
Hill, Bob | Snare | 1966 to 1967 |