Brigadiers Alumni

Syracuse, NY United States

Active Alumni

CORPS Photos

The Brigadiers formed an alumni corps in 1998, still active in 2002 as a standstill group. As many Brig alumni now live in Florida, Roy Grant created a southern branch of the corps called the Florida Brass in 2002. This group joins with the Brigadier Alumni corps at DCA.

[DCW, 6/28/02, p.14]

Members (7)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Henson, Rhys Brass Instructor-Solo Trumpet-Recruiting Director 2009 to 2014
Keppel, Rod Mellophone 2012 to 2014
Oakley, Doug Baritone 1973
Rockwell, Gary Tenor 1963 to 1965
Stoner, Paul Color Guard 1967 to 1968
Surace, Santo soprano 2000
Washburn, Ed Snare Line 1967 to 2006

CORPS 6 items

Brigadiers Alumni

Brigadiers Alumni Bumper Sticker from the Bill Ives Collection
Brigadiers Alumni

Brigadiers Alumni from the Bill Ives Collection
Brigadiers Alumni

BrigadiersAlumni,Syracuse,NY,BS1-Shield(BIV)AA_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Brigadiers Alumni

BrigadiersAlumni,Syracuse,NY,LP1-Booster(DST-0.875x1.0)AA_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection Contributed by Donn Stroh
Brigadiers Alumni

BrigadiersAlumni,Syracuse,NY,Pin1-Shield(Site)AA_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Brigadiers Alumni

BrigadiersAlumni,Syracuse,NY,ST1-Shield(BIV-3.5x3.5)AA_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection