Bronx Kingsmen

Other Names:NY Kingsmen

Bronx, NY United States

Inactive Junior

CORPS Photos

The Bronx Kingsmen was a junior drum corps. In 1961 some music hater had the corps served with a summons for disturbing the peace. When the case got to court, the judge demanded of the complainant whether he would rather have an 80-piece musical ensemble in his neighborhood or 80 delinquents loose on the streets. The corps won.

[DCW, 6/29/02, p.2]

Members (13)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Baldwin, Richard Solo Soprano 1967 to 1971
Bell, John Soprano 1967 to 1968
Brown, Ralph French horn 1965 to 1967
DeMaria, Joe Drum Line 1963 to 1966
Gulino, Gabe Soprano 1966 to 1968
Lewis, Mac Solo Soprano 1964 to 1968
Mardavich-Lodato, Carol Color Guard 1966 to 1968
Messemer, Denis Drum Line 1965 to 1967
O'Hara, Jimmy Snare 1963 to 1965
O'Hara, Jimmy Snare Section 1963 to 1965
Pedulla, Cookie Color Guard 1965 to 1968
Rice, David Drumline 1968
schwab, jack brass 1965 to 1966

CORPS 5 items

Bronx Kingsmen

New York Kingsmen 1967 button from the Bob Carell Collection
Bronx Kingsmen

New York Kingsmen button from the Bob Carell Collection
Bronx Kingsmen

NewYorkKingsmen,Bronx,NY,Patch1-WeDareBeDifferent(BIV-4.0x5.0)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Bronx Kingsmen

NewYorkKingsmen,Bronx,NY,Pin1Sombrero(BJA)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Bronx Kingsmen

NewYorkKingsmen,Bronx,NY,Pin2-1967(BIV-2.0x3.0)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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