Blue Angels

Danvers, MA United States
Founded: 1961

Inactive Junior
1963 12 (Repertoire not available)  
1972 I'm Gonna Live Till I Die * Day By Day (from Godspell) * Midnight Cowboy * Under the Double Eagle * Godspell medley  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

The Blue Angels, formed in 1961, were a junior marching and maneuvering corps based in Danvers, Massachusetts.

The corps finished 19th in the 1966 American Legion junior Prelims in Washington, D.C. and the 1970 U.S. Open in Marion, Ohio. There is no record of their having competed in DCI.

They merged in 1975 with the Reveries of Revere, Massachusetts, to form the Blue Angels/Reveries. This merger corps (also known as the Blueveries) lasted less than one year before merging with the Wilmington Cardinals to form North Star in the fall of 1975.

[Michael Merrett; A History of Drum & Bugle Corps, 2002; Jim Dennesen]

Members (10)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Belitsos, Steve Hornline 1961 to 1962
Blais, Lon Contra 1972 to 1975
Brown, Larry horn and drum line 1967 to 1970
Cuscuna, Dave Drumline 1960 to 1966
Gayron, mike Soprano 1961 to 1968
Jope, Ron 1st Soprano 1961 to 1964
Martin, Cathy Drum Major 1973 to 1975
Martin, Paul flugelhorn 1973 to 1975
Pelletier, Jeff Drumline 1967 to 1973
Pizzo, Paul drum line 1970 to 1972

CORPS 1 items

Blue Angels

BlueAngels,Danvers,MA,Patch1-VetsCouncil(Site)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection Contributed by UNKNOWN


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