
Portland, OR United States
Founded: 1959

Inactive Junior
1970 Vaquero * Battle Hymn of the Republic * Ghost Riders in the Sky * Chattanooga Choo Choo * Don't Rain on My Parade (from Funny Girl) * You Showed Me  
1972 Abraham, Martin and John * Salute to John F. Kennedy  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

The Hawks was a junior marching and maneuvering corps based in Portland, Oregon.

The Hawks, though coed, had the distinction of being led by an all-woman marching instructional staff, composed of Judy Scroggins, Martha Belmore, and Betty Infinger.

[DCW, 6/6/03, p.3]
Organized in March 1959

In 1964 the following were officers : Business Mgr. Phil York, Asst. Bus. Mgr. Ross Johnson, Corps Director, Clete Smith; Music Director, Del Reeder; Drum Director, John Parkhurst; Drill Instructor, Jim VanVlack; Bugle Instructor, George Stell; Color Guard Ins. Marty Brauwer.

The Portland Hawks were sponsored by the Parents Club formed in January 1961 which has responsibility for fund raising and operating of the corps, together with Portland Police VFW Post #2807 and Leathernecks American Legion Post #169.

As the only officially sponsored VFW corps for the state of Oregon, plans are underway to arrange a VFW competition for 1964 in Oregon.
This was taken from a 1964 Program. "

[From the Spartans of Vancouver, WA Sat July 8th 1989 Drum Corps Spectacular Program.]

Members (7)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Hawley, Howard Drum Major 1966
Hoffman, Daryl Baritone 1972 to 1974
Hubbard, Nancy Color Guard 1974
Lamb, Glen Sopranos 1969 to 1974
Lamb, Warren (Glen) Sopranos 1969 to 1973
langnese, spud frenchhorn 1966 to 1967
Palmer, Lowell !st Soprano 1965 to 1970

CORPS 7 items


Hawks Portland OR from the Bill Ives Collection

Hawks,Portland,OR,Patch1-Hawk(RE-6.75x6.75)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection Contributed by Richard Elmquist

Hawks,Portland,OR,Pin1(RE-1.75)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection

Hawks,Portland,OR,Pin2-HawkCrest(RE-2.0)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection

Hawks,Portland,OR,Pin3-VFW(BJA)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection

Hawks,Portland,OR,Pin4-VFWSponsored(BJA)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection

Hawks,Portland,OR,Pin5-Booster(BJA)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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