Bluewater Buccaneers

Other Names:Bluewater Lionaires

Sarnia, ONT Canada

Inactive Junior
1981 207 62.150 Classical Gas * Just the Way You Are * Sweet Inspiration * The Midnight Fire Alarm * Candle on the Water (from Pete's Dragon)  
1982 214 50.300 Classical Gas * Just Once * Come in from the Rain  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

The Bluewater Buccaneers, formed in 1974, was a junior marching and maneuvering corps based in Sarnia, Ontario.

The corps was a continuation of the Bluewater Lionaires, which itself was a continuation of the long-time all-girl corps, the Lionettes. Norm Campbell was the Buccaneers' director.

The corps' uniform consisted of red jackets, shirts with puffed cream-colored sleeves, and tricorn hats.

The corps was active through at least 1982.

[John Swartz; rec.arts.marching.drumcorps, 9/27/2001, 10/21/1999]

Members (17)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Arcos, David Hornline - Baritone 1974 to 1976
Bryan, Shawn Drum line (tenors) 1977 to 1982
Burstall, Steve Baritone 1981 to 1982
Campbell, Chris Percussion 1972 to 1982
Charrington, J horn 1972 to 1976
Davis, Cindy Baritone/Snare 1974 to 1978
dawson, philip color guard captain 1978 to 1983
Hamel, Denise Soprano 1983 to 1986
Henne, Francis Percussion 1985
hurren, carolyn brass 1976 to 1982
Kerwin, Sandra 2nd Soprano 1975 to 1980
Kraemer, Teresa colour guard 1975 to 1980
Mohr, Linda soprano 1982
Roy, Karen Horn line 1979 to 1983
Sager, Todd french horn 1981
swartz, john (sarnia sam) drums 1973 to 1975
swartz, john (sarnia sam) drum staff 1978 to 1983

CORPS 3 items

Bluewater Buccaneers

BluewaterBuccaneers,Sarnia,ON,Patch1_BlackLetters(eBay)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection Contributed by UNKNOWN
Bluewater Buccaneers

BluewaterBuccaneers,Sarnia,ON,Pin1_Black(RE-2.25)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Bluewater Buccaneers

BluewaterBuccaneers,Sarnia,ON,Pin2-White(RE-2.25)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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